Symptoms Of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Long Valley Heath Center is working very closely with the Mendocino County Public Health Department to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are following the CDC recommendations for health care facilities very closely. 

Although some people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic or have mild cold symptoms some people develop a fever, cough and shortness of breath which can progress to pneumonia and in some causes death. The severity of the symptoms has been closely related to age with the sickest being the elderly while children seem to be the least affected with mostly mild or no symptoms. 

LVHC is asking all patients with flu-like symptoms to call ahead so we can properly prepare. As instructed by Public Health we will begin assessing people over the phone, directly in their personal vehicles if available, or in an isolated room with a separate entrance to keep people out of the common clinic areas such as the waiting room. Keeping our patients and staff safe from exposure is our top priority as well as making sure those who are sick are still able to receive quality care. 

Below are the CDC’s recommendations for people experiencing these symptoms and how to prevent the spread to others. 

Please visit the CDC website “What you Should Know” for more information.


COVID-19 Testing At Long Valley Community Center


COVID-19 Message