Start Colorectal Cancer Screening at age 45
Did you know colorectal cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US and the most preventable? Screenings help save lives by detecting cancer early.

Dr. Sharon Paltin is a jolly good Fellow!
Dr. Sharon Paltin is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and our community Family Medicine Champion.

New Executive Director and CEO
Long Valley Health Center welcomes Dr. James Stewart as new Executive Director and CEO.

Colorectal Cancer Screening in Laytonville
Getting screened for colorectal cancer may not sound pleasant, but it can actually prevent cancer. There are several screening test options; some you can even do from home.

COVID Same Day Testing, Same Day Treatment at LVHC!
Long Valley Health Center is offering free testing for COVID-19. The drive thru, surveillance screening is held in our parking lot at 50 Branscomb Road.

PTSD Help in Laytonville
Long Valley Health Center provides PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) information and help to locals in Laytonville, CA.

Healthy Recipes: Strawberry Chia Seed Jam
Strawberries are in-season in California January through May, but can be found year-round fresh and frozen. Chia seed jam can also be made with blackberries, raspberries, and seasonal fruits of choice.

COVID Same Day Testing! Same Day Treatment!
Long Valley Health Center is offering free testing for COVID-19. The drive thru, surveillance screening is held in our parking lot at 50 Branscomb Road.

Holiday Health Guide from our Laytonville Doctors and Providers
At Long Valley Health Center our primary care doctors and health center providers put a special emphasis on prevention, so we have created a holiday health guide to help keep you on track with your health goals.

COVID-19 Booster Shots, Vaccines in Laytonville
Long Valley Health Center has all types of Covid-19 booster shots available at our Covid Vaccine Walk-Up clinics on Tuesdays (10 am - 12 pm) and Fridays (9 am - 11 am).

Get Your Mammogram Ordered! Women's Health Exam, Laytonville
Long Valley Health Center provides Women's Health Exams (also know as Well Woman Exams) in Laytonville.

Pay Your Bill Online, Long Valley Health Center
Now you can pay your Long Valley Health Center medical bills online.

Vaccinations In Laytonville, Immunization Month
As fall is just around the corner and many children will be returning to school, it is important to schedule your child's vaccinations as soon as possible.

Sun Safety Awareness And Skin Cancer Resources In Mendocino County
When is sun exposure too much? How dangerous could a little sun really be?

PTSD Awareness, PTSD Help in Laytonville
What is PTSD? People who have experienced a traumatic event—war, abuse, sexual trauma, a natural disaster— may have long-lasting symptoms after the event.

Mental Illness, Mental Health Support in Laytonville
May is Mental Health Month. It’s a time to “fight stigma, provide support, educate the public, and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families.” If you are affected by mental illness, You Are Not Alone.

Dealing with Stress, Stress Help in Laytonville
April is stress awareness month. It is a time to raise awareness for causes and cures for stress.