Mendocino County COVID-19 Health Update
Mendocino County Public Health Officer Dr. Noemi Doohan and health care local providers, including Rod Grainger from Long Valley Health Center, provide a COVID-19 update to the public.
According to Noemi Doohan, guidances have been made public are up on the Mendocino County website but her summary is as follows:
According to the CDC, there is a 48 hour asymptomatic period before a person gets sick when they can spread COVID-19. This is new news as it was previously held that there was no asymptomatic spread.
When the public goes out to do essential activities, they should wear a facial covering. This is meant to protect others from the wearer spreading the disease. This is meant to work in conjunction with sheltering in place and social distancing.
Essential businesses should post their guidance on their walls about how they enforce social distancing in their essential businesses.
The Public Health Department does not do testing. Testing is facilitated through health care partners. A currier drives the test sample to a public health lab in Santa Rosa to get expedited results.
Rod Grainger of Long Valley Health Center in Laytonville covered the following:
Long Valley Health Center is taking measures to keep employees safe, patients safe, and the community safe.Providers are largely seeing patients remotely through video conferencing.
Long Valley Health Center's behavioral health services are up and running and are experiencing an increase in those visits. During these stressful times, the health center wants to stress that services are available to people who need that connection and resource.
Long Valley Health Center is here for the community and encourages patients to call. We're still seeing patients in medical, behavioral and dental departments. 707-984-6131